Tag Archives: Waterstone’s

15 More Online Retailers to Sell Your Book


Authors: you can sell your books, e-books and audio-books not only through Amazon, but as well on Barnes&Noble, Apple and Kobo websites, to have your “eggs in more than one basket”.  And don’t forget the potentially huge potential market for hardcover books, selling them to libraries all over the country!

However, there are way more online retailers for e-books and books than just Apple, Kobo or Barnes & Noble. Oh, yes, and even Google sells e-books, but they pay authors and publishers a lousy royalty. I don’t know anyone, selling books through Google.
Just to mention a few more online book retailers:

And here are two more lists of online book stores with even more sales possibilities:

Put Your Eggs Not Only in One Basket
If you don’t want to upload your book yourself, get help from this aggregator for one yearly fee and reap 100% of your books revenue:  Aggregators will handle distribution, sales, accepting payments, and are managing your account with the online retailers.  Avoid aggregators who take a 10 or even 15% commission for every book sold.
Read also about the experience of an author, detailed with all his sales numbers, costs associated and comparison of revenue on several online retailer sites from Amazon, Apple and Kobo to sales on his own website:




If you would like to get more support in all things publishing, have your book intensively promoted and learn how to navigate social media sites – or to learn how you can make yourself a name as an author through content writing: We offer all this and more for only $179 for three months – or less than $2 per day! Learn more about this customized Online Seminar / Consulting for writers:
Or visit  to advertise your new book, specials, your KDP Select Free Days or the new Kindle Countdown Deals.

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Million Dollar Question: How to Get Book Reviews?


Not just a handful, but lots of reviews!

They are crucial, not only for Amazon’s algorithms, but also when selling through other online retailers, such as Kobo, Barnes&Noble or Waterstones.  Polls revealed that 70% of book buyers are paying attention to reviews before they make their purchase. They don’t read the reviews necessarily, but check the numbers of reviews a book has accrued.  Book reviewing, in the past a privilege of literary magazines, became mainstream, encouraged by the likes of Amazon and without any editorial controls. There is an ever-shrinking newspaper space for reviews, while the number of books published is increasing tremendously. However, book bloggers and book lovers all over the world become armchair critics at the click of a mouse.

So, how can a writer find reviewers?

  • paying for reviews, Kirkus Reviews comes to mind, who charges several hundred dollars
  • asking followers and friends in their Social Media network
  • getting to know book bloggers and hobby reviewers


The worst method is to write an email and send it out to dozens of reviewers, without a salutation and without checking their websites/blogs carefully or reading their submission guidelines. If you would be a reviewer, would you answer a mass mail?

Always remember that book reviewers don’t do it for a living.
They often have busy lives, full-time jobs, partners, children, ailing parents and other obligations. They barely can keep up with the growing demand for reviews.  Imagine if you would get an email from a total stranger, asking you to do several hours of work for free. Would you be excited?

Get to know book reviewers and bloggers.
Careers everywhere depend on networking, same with a writing career.  Start making “friends” with reviewers, long before your book is finished: Search on your social media sites for reviewers, reviews, book bloggers, etc. when using the search function on top of Twitter, Goodreads, Facebook and Google+ pages. At Goodreads, reviewers are listed, so you can conveniently choose them as friends and follow them for a while, see which book genres they  prefer,  before you approach them.

Check out the bestsellers in your genre (in bookstores or online) and find names of reviewers. If these reviewers have a blog (and most do), comment on their articles.  Offer them well-written guest blogs, geared to their topics and readership.

These are invaluable and important contacts, as those readers do not only review books, but post their reviews on Amazon, Goodreads and the like.  On top of that, they often write a blog post about the books they read, which stays there for years to come. They are actually promoting those book reviews to readers and indirectly even to industry decision makers: librarians, booksellers, agents, publishers – like a publicist does it (for money). If compensated it would mean at least a couple of hundred dollars worth, what they provide you for free!
Again: It takes often months until getting a review, start early with your search.

If you write non-fiction, it’s a bit more difficult, as most book reviewers prefer fiction books.  Look for magazines that write about the same or similar topics and find out if they review books. You could also offer an article and in your intro at the end of the article, you could offer readers a copy in exchange for a review of your book. For sample, if you write about aviation safety, you search for aviation magazines, but also for history magazines, travel magazines, even more local publications where a certain incident happened in the past. Or if you write about nutrition, check out all magazines of health food stores, women’s magazines, medical magazines etc. to find out if they write reviews.

Paid book reviewers
are not hard to find, just type into Google: Book Review Submission Guidelines and you will find lots of them. The most famous:

Free book reviews
The best source are friends and followers on social media site, starting with Goodreads. Offer a print version of your book as a giveaway (you can do this several times a year). In average, half of the recipients write a book review.

But again: just don’t email them out of the blue, friend them on social media, read their blogs and get to know them, before you make an approach for a review. If they state in their submission guidelines, they will only read print books, don’t tell them to “just print out my pdf or word file”.  If you have e-books only, get a couple of digital prints (bound) from a copy shop or use one of these espresso book machines, mostly located in big cities, but available online, just add the postage for delivery.

For US writers: The Midwest Book Review (free!) has contracted with Cengage Learning to provide them with electronic copies of book reviews. Cengage Learning then makes their reviews available to library systems nationwide. Read our former blog post, “How to Find Reviewers for Your Book” where lots of reviewers are listed.

If you are looking for reviews to use in your books blurb (print or e-book) send out galleys, which can be produced by espresso book machines as well, at least 3 – 4 months before your book’s launch, especially for print books, to be sure to receive it in time. (4 months before launch!) (at least 3 months before launch!)

Another question is the quality of book reviews, not only on the internet… I think about an extremely unfair review, a good friend of mine has received from a “Librarian” at Goodreads! She wrote about a book that has amassed more than 90 percent 5-star reviews. The “reviewer wrote: “I tried to like the book, really. But I just can’t.” That’s it, this was the whole review! No description what the book is about, no mentioning of the writing style (excellent!), not about the plot, the characters, nothing. And gave it a 1-star. So much for the quality of reviews…  Check out the reviews for world bestsellers and you will find some of them with more than 150 of these 1-star reviews!
And then there are those people who are downloading tons of free books on Amazon – without even checking the content, just because they can get something for free – they are also infamous for writing scalding and unprofessional book reviews. What about the writers’ competition, who could theoretically write an unfair review?  In all these cases, just keep your cool, and work even harder to get more reviews to “bury” those unfair ones.

Take reviews always with a grain of salt. Sure, reviews, and lots of them, are important for writers. But keep in mind, they are always subjective!  And don’t forget to thank a reviewer for their work, no matter if 3 or 3 stars. They will be more inclined to do another review for you when your next book is finished.

Kate McMillian compiled a great number of articles about book reviews, check them out.

BTW: How many books did YOU review recently???




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Posted by on February 27, 2013 in Book Reviews, Social Networks


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A Song in the Night

From her earliest days, Rosie Maconochie has only ever trusted one person – her brother, Ciaran. Yet even he knows nothing of the dark secret that has overshadowed her life. Now, twenty-one years old and determined to put her troubled past behind her, Rosie is living in London near her brother Ciaran and his young wife, Beth. With a steady job, a new sister-in-law for a best friend, and even a hint of romance in the air, it looks like life might just be coming together for Rosie at last.

On a day out in the countryside with Beth, a chance find in an old bookshop seems a fairly unremarkable event. At first, the battered diary of a First World War soldier holds little appeal for Rosie. But when Beth becomes gravely ill, Rosie’s tenuous hold on life is shaken to its roots, and suddenly the diary begins to assume an uncanny relevance to her own fragile existence. As both girls struggle to come to terms with the issues of mortality and meaning, they find their own journeys mirrored in the life of Sam, an unknown infantryman fighting to survive on the notorious Western Front.
For Beth, the deterioration of her health marks the beginning of a rediscovery of the spiritual perspectives she left behind in childhood. For Rosie, however, the picture is very different. Observing her friend’s progressive decline, she finds her own defenses crumbling, her flimsy worldview  in crisis, and her troubled mind starting to unravel. Meanwhile, in the journal, Sam is trying to make sense of the increasing chaos and carnage he sees all around him. It is only because she has made a promise to Beth that she will type up the diary for posterity that Rosie can muster up the resolve to keep reading the soldier’s disturbing memoirs.
However, the discovery of a tribute on a village war memorial suddenly brings further significance after Rosie meets Jonathon Kirkbride, a descendant of a certain soldier whose name appears frequently in Sam’s writings. Though their births are separated by almost a century, history and real life start to intertwine as Rosie and Sam find themselves staggering helplessly towards breaking point. It is only when circumstances bring Rosie face to face with her abusive past that the healing grace of God is finally able to break through and begin mending her fractured soul.
A Song in the Night takes the reader on a journey from hopelessness to hope, brokenness to redemption. Set on two very different timelines, this compelling story will speak to anyone wrestling to understand God’s heart for this hurting world.
Author Bio 
Julie Maria Peacewas born in Barnsley, South Yorkshire, England, and has lived in the area for most of her life. The eldest of four siblings, she was raised in a very artistic household and remembers growing up surrounded by books, colorful half-painted canvases and glorious classical music. Her love for writing began at a very early age, always vigorously encouraged by her grandmother who herself wrote prolifically.
Leaving home at the age of eighteen to do a French degree, Julie spent three years at Hull University and a year in Nancy, France. After graduating, she returned to South Yorkshire where she met and married her husband, Alan.
With strong Irish connections on her mother’s side, Julie grew up in a devout Roman Catholic home. During her student years, she underwent a deep philosophical and spiritual struggle which led to the breakdown of her childhood faith and brought her to the point of existential agnosticism. Then, just before her twenty-first birthday, she had a radical, life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ which succeeded in changing her forever.
A Song in the Night is available from  many internet sites worldwide such as Amazon, Waterstone’s, Book Depository, W H Smith, Blackwell, Barnes & Noble, chBookshop (C of E) or direct from the author Julie Maria Peace.
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Posted by on November 11, 2012 in New Books, Self-Publishing


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