Tag Archives: free tips for authors

Stephen King Book Signing in Sarasota Florida

Read tips for your own book signing, that might not draw such a crowd, but it will show your book to many more readers, and it is a part of your author platform, which helps to cement your author brand.




Folks were lining up around the blog… What a sight!  I was curious and asked one of those in line if there is free ice cream from the new opened parlor.  But no!  She explained me that there is a book
signing.  Book Signing? Really? Yes, she said, in BookStore 1 is an author signing his books.  Yes, and what’s his name? Stephen King she answered. Well, no wonder that folks are lining up!


Stephen King Book Signing in Sarasota Florida

As I had already a small camera in hand, I asked several folks to model for me and took also lots of
photographs from parts of the line-up (sorry, had no wide angle lens with me to capture how the line went around the whole block).




Stephen King was born in Portland, Maine in 1947. He made his first professional short story sale in 1967 to Startling Mystery Stories. In the fall of 1973, he began teaching high school English classes at Hampden Academy, the public high school in Hampden, Maine.  I would assume to make ends meet…

If it hadn’t been for Stephen King’s wife, Tabitha, the iconic image of a young girl in a prom dress
covered in pig’s blood would not exist. King received 30 rejections for his story of a tormented girl
with telekinetic powers, and then he threw it in the trash. Tabitha fished it out. She sent his story
around again and, eventually, Carrie was published. The novel became a classic in the horror
genre and has enjoyed film and TV adaptations as well.

Writing in the evenings and on the weekends, he continued to produce short stories and to work on novels. In the spring of 1973, Doubleday & Co., accepted the novel Carrie for publication, which allowed him the means to leave teaching and write full-time. He has since published over 50 books and has become one of the world’s most successful writers.

Word for Your Week:
“Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is hard work.” –Stephen King

And by the way: There is a publishing seminar in Sarasota, FL, this coming Saturday, March 22.
Sign-up for the Early-Bird-Offer, and learn how to become a successful writer – maybe one day people are lining up for your book signings too.  It all takes a lot of time, often years, patience and dedication. We will show you at this seminar how to redeem and get short stories from your books’ manuscript and from your research, to get your name out as a writer. Remember: Stephen King started out with short stories!



Tips for Your Own Book Signing
Start with your local bookstores, some will agree to a book signing with a local author. However, just because you set up an event, doesn’t mean people will come! You have to announce it to as many people as possible. In the weeks leading up to the book signing, promote it often on all your Social Media sites, on Craigslist, print some flyers and post it at libraries, on Community Boards, coffee shops etc. Sent out a press release to various local media outlets, and maybe offer them a free digital version of your book.

Don’t forget to mention that you will have a drawing (maybe for a Kindle, Kobo or Nook and also that you will have “refreshments” (ice water to juice, coffee, or cookies, or even wine and cheese). It all depends on the venue, in a chain book stores that includes a coffees hop you may think about a gift card for a large coffee to hand out to people who bought your book.
Bring your book markings or cards, a fish bowl to collect addresses for the drawing, lots of pens, and ice water for yourself. And have someone to be present at your table and help you. See more tips at our blog post: “Top 18 Book Launch Tips” where you also get a time schedule.
In her article “How to Have A Successful Book Signing” MaryJanice Davidson said: “First, let’s define “successful”. A successful book signing is when you show up, your books are there, you have a place to sit, and you sell just one book.”  Well, hopefully more than one I would say.
Author Michel Sauret: “Not every person that comes up to you during the signing will buy the book. Don’t be desperate and try to force a sale to everyone you talk to, but definitely show your enthusiasm and confidence in your own work.” 

Valerie Peterson wrote: “signing books—can be an important part of your book marketing campaign. While online bookselling is booming, of course, many people do enjoy seeing authors live and in person, and it gives writers an opportunity to meet their readers—as well as to sell some books!”



If you would like to get more support in all things publishing, have your book intensively promoted and learn how to navigate social media sites – or to learn how you can make yourself a name as an author through content writing: We offer all this and more for only $179 for three months – or less than $2 per day! Learn more about this customized Online Seminar / Consulting for writers:

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Even if You Landed a Publishing Deal…


In my last post I explained the reasons why I created an individual online Book Marketing seminar for authors, using one-on-one instruction. To get help in promoting a book is not only important for self-publishers, but also in case you landed a publishing deal.  Your publisher will NOT place ads in the NY Times, book promotion is up to YOU!  The first questions a literary agent or a publisher will ask you: What is your platform? Who are your target readers? How will you promote your book?


Are you one of those writers, hiding behind your laptop, terrified at the thought of “marketing”, because your skill is writing – not marketing? Authors need BOOK PROMOTION, but don’t want to appear like a “used car salesman”.  However remember: “Nobody ever made money writing a book – only by selling it”.
The Most Valuable Book Marketing Help You Can Get ! 

Individual training and customized marketing consultations for your book at an amazing offer!!! Register now to get started on your road to success: Book now, in November or December, and get 3 months of individual marketing training & promotion for your book – for only $59.00.   Regular price after December 31, 2012 will be $98.00.

This extensive training / consulting package which gives you:

  • Three hours of one-on-one “Book Marketing Training” phone-consultations (all topics regarding publishing, promotion, platform & branding, social media, learn about free book marketing possibilities etc.)
  • Unlimited book marketing consultations by email for three months
  • Unlimited social media help by email for three months
  • Instructions / Checklist / Hundreds of links for you to use for your free book promotions
  • Free e-book: “Book Marketing on a Shoestring” (launch late November)
  • Blog post including cover image/bio/book description on both, blog and our websites
  • Plus one surprise gift we will reveal once you sign up!

During the last 18 months more than 90,000 readers appreciated useful, free tips for authors here on this blog.  Get more in-dept help while taking this online book marketing training.  I will take you under “my wings” and help you promote your book for a very affordable price.

Get more info about the steps we take together on my website, where you can book your individual book marketing training..




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