Improve Your Amazon Page, Sell More Books

15 Oct



One of the greatest benefits of selling your e-book or paper book at Amazon (or Barnes & Noble) is the space they provide you to “advertise” your work.  If you are a savvy author, take advantage of this marvelous opportunity and insert as much information about your writing and yourself as you can.

Look at it from the standpoint of a reader; which e-book or book would you buy: The one that shows just a boring cover, name of the author, and a very short introduction to the book – or the one that:

  • has a beautiful cover
  • an all-embracing editorial review
  • an authors bio with a portrait on the author page
  • lots of customer reviews

So, what can you do to improve your appearance on Amazon and improve book sales? A lot indeed! Starting with the book price to earn the maximum:

  • an appealing cover
  • lengthy editorial review
  • a marvelous author’s bio
  • lots of customer reviews from readers, fellow authors and journalists that are writing for newspapers book review articles


Rule # 1 for your book cover at Amazon is NEVER to use a white background! White on white is barely visible and your book will not stick out, especially when you chose to have the text in black. Your book cover should be:

  • be aesthetically appealing
  • appeal to the book’s intended audience
  • represent the book’s content
  • use a clean, readable font
  • use bold or complementary colors
  • use light on dark for dramatic effects
  • visit a bookstore to research book cover designs

And most important:
Test the cover in thumbnail size to make sure it looks good at Amazon’s website!

If your funds are too limited to hire a cover artist try this for an appealing book cover: Use software, such as bookcoverpro,  if you are computer-savvy and creative / artsy or hire a professional at Freelancer  or Elance  or just get in touch with your local colleges’ graphic design class to find a young and eager cover artist. Lots of free photographs and graphics can be found at “111Tips to Create Your Book Trailer“.

More about editorial reviews, author page, customer reviews getting more visitors to your Amazon page in my next blog. Stay tuned!




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Hyper Smash



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