Tag Archives: Flickr user groups

How to Market your Book on Photo Sites


You know Flickr as a photo storing and sharing site, but did you know you can use it to market your book there? Not to advertise, this would be against their terms of use and would block your account. But there is a subtle way to introduce your book on photo sharing sites, comparable to showing your book – including inside-illustrations – on Pinterest.

  • Start by commenting regularly on Flickr and telling people what you like about their images. Be encouraging and invite people to the Flickr groups you joined.
  • Embed links to your Flickr site in photos you use on blogs, share it on social media sites such as Twitter, Google+, FB, Tumblr, StumpleUpon and Doing this draws visitors on third-party sites to your Flickr page. Pinterest for sample has recently made a feature that allows sharing from Flickr, automatically showing proper credit and a link back to the original photographer. No copyright and fair use problems anymore.
  • Tagging and grouping photos: You can use up to 75 tags to describe your photo of the book cover, way more than on Amazon or any other page for that matter. 75 tags are a lot of possibilities to let people know about your book! Organize your work into collections on your profile page. Group them based on common themes, formats or any other elements. Don’t forget to add notes to explain or comment right on your photo, e.g. mentioning your book.
  • If you want to see your images gaining a wider audience, start offering a few of them for fair use – especially your book cover photo or snippets of the cover image. Blogs and sharing sites are always on the lookout for royalty free images they can use.
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  • For only about $25 you can have a professional account from Flickr, an official icon showing that you are a pro user, which actually adds more credibility in the community. You also get enhanced features, such as unlimited photos, video or HD video capabilities. Having a professional account on Flickr allows you to post a photo in up to 60 user group pools, unlike a free account that only allows you to put each photo in ten user groups.
  • Flickr is not the only site where you can show images of your book and its topics. Find a list of the best photo sharing sites on Social Times or on Wickipedia where you can even find the number of registered members and their Alexa Web Ranking.

Flickr is popular, both for personal and professional use. For the average photographer, it has limitless potential for self promotion and sharing. Photos are easy to embed with links and author names, and can be found on WikiMedia Commons for example, they always have a lot of Flickr images shown there. Start increasing your own authors visibility and these of your books through photo posting on Flickr.

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Thanks, Doris


Hyper Smash



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