How to overcome Writer’s Block

12 Apr

A Bestseller-Author’s Tips

How to Overcome Writer’s Block:

  • Writing is addictive—the more you write, the more you learn, and the easier it gets.
  • Keep practising, to sit and type something new most days. I can’t always be working on a new story, but the actual process of writing something new is the core of what being a writer is all about.
  • I’m always afraid of getting rusty if I don’t write anything new for a day or two.
  • It’s important to keep practising, to stay in the habit of writing, even if you’re an established writer.
  • Nothing beats getting stuck into a story—that’s where every writer learns the most important lessons, by trial and error. But every bit of writing helps. Whether you keep a diary, a blog, poetry … whatever

If you want to be a writer, you need to WRITE, and that’s a rule which applies as much to me as it does to youngsters just starting out.

Have Fun While you Write
You’re going to spend a hell of a lot of time by yourself if you choose to become an author. It’s lonely, it’s anti-social. Your friends and family will probably think you’re deluded, and no matter how supportive they might appear, they will pretty much all harbour doubts. You will have to write lots of bad stories to learn to write good ones, and there will be times when you’re sure you are wasting your time, that it isn’t going to work out.

Nobody in the publishing industry will care about you, and you will have to fight hard to stake a place in that very difficult-to-crack world. In short—it can be a miserable time when you are starting out!!  It’s vital that you enjoy the actual writing itself.

Don’t worry about the market or impressing people or how you compare to the published authors whose work you admire. Just have fun with your imagination and write the sort of stories you’d love to read. Go wherever your mind prompts you.

Don’t be afraid to experiment. In some ways this will be the most free time of your career—once you start to publish and build up a base of fans, you have to worry about letting them down if you write a story they won’t like, but in the beginning, since nobody is reading your work, you’re 100% free to write whatever you like!!!!

The easiest way to work up your confidence, I have found, is to keep on writing — as long as you’re doing it, you are not really thinking about it.  Force yourself to go on and complete  your daily quota.  That’s essential for any writer — when you write, you work for yourself.

What Matters Most is Meeting that Target
The first rule that must be met for any writer on their road from interested amateur to dedicated professional is to set your goals and then meet them.  When you get into the habit of hitting your target every time you sit down to write… that’s when you truly start to progress.  And if you want to go on writing for years to come and make the most of your ability, it’s something you have to keep on doing, all the way down the line.  You need to work hard to become a writer and get on top of your talent, and you need to work almost just as hard to stay there.

Stick to Your Schedule
Every time you do that, you’ve notched up a little victory, and all the little victories add up over time.  The more you stick to your schedule, the more you will probably find yourself capable of doing, and it’s likely that you will automatically adjust your target upwards, maybe half a page five nights a week, or two pages every Saturday and Sunday.  That might happen swiftly, or it might happen slowly — again, that’s not important. Meeting your target is.



Hyper Smash

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Posted by on April 12, 2011 in Writing


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