Tag Archives: Twitter Social Media in 30 minutes/day

Social Media and YOU

It is no secret that we use Social Media a lot – and all this social media usage can be hard to curtail. Resisting Twitter, Google+, Pinterest and other Social Media sites is harder than other urges, such as smoking, drinking, spending money, sleeping and even sex.  Posting about yourself on Social Media sites rewards the brain the same way food and sex do. Talking about ourselves or books we wrote became a tough habit to kick… Read and see more on this info graphic, created by

Your Brain on Social  Media Infographic

More about Social Media:

Social Media in 30 Minutes a Day
Well, maybe add a couple more minutes to these 30 minutes Social Media time, and learn about helpful programs, such as Hootsuite, Tweetadder, JustUnfollow, Manageflitter, Tweetdeck etc. to save time in order to win more time for interactions with your followers.
Read the Help Section
To take full advantage of the Social Media sites, study them well, read the “handbook”, helpful info and hints, set up to help users. Just from staring at the site and trying to figure out how it works, or trial and error actions, you will be only frustrated. Ask a fellow writer or your marketing coach to get even more user tips.
How to get more followers
The importance of having more followers (and following more) and how to find those precious friends has been …. Get lots of tips for your Social Media presence here:

The Secret of Success with Social Media
Word-of-Mouth Content Marketing
If you’re in the midst of developing one of the more than one million books that are published every year, it’s time to start thinking about how you are going to market your book … because in today’s publishing environment, it’s up to you to build momentum for your work.  However, if all you do on Twitter, Google+ or Facebook is to hawk your book or try to interest agents and editors in your manuscript you are probably not going to get anywhere. This is not to say you can not ever talk about the interesting things you’re doing, this just can’t be all that you’re doing. People on Social Media want content, and sharing content has become one important aspect of it.

Acting Like a Professional Author on Social Media?
Do you agree that selling books online or in stores is a business? You are getting money for writing and delivering your work, no matter how many books you have written, and no matter if you go with one of the big publishers or if you self-publish. And don’t forget: Many publishers and literary agents have a Social Media presence too. They are using Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, Facebook, Goodreads or LinkedIn and mingle on these sites with authors famous and unknown. Read more about professional Social Media use.

How Social Media can Kill Students Success
Yet while social media has been lauded for its ability to connect people from all over the world, build friendships, support political causes, and even help people find work, it has also been blamed for a whole host of social problems. Some of this blame, subsequent research has shown, has been placed unfairly, but that doesn’t mean that social media doesn’t pose some real problems for its users.



If you would like to get help in all things publishing, have your book intensively promoted and learn how to navigate social media sites: We offer all this and more for only $ 159 for 3 months. Learn more about this individual book marketing help:
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