Need Book Reviews?! Part 2

01 Sep

In Part 1 of her article Guest Blogger Theresa Braun explained the possibilities to find reviewers and get book reviews.

Here are some tips when soliciting reviews.
Keep in mind that these wonderful people are taking the time to read and write up a review. Many of them are donating their precious time, and sometimes money, to you and your book. Look at their website and find out what genres they are willing to read. That is very important. Don’t waste your time or theirs. Then, include the information in your email that they request. It varies slightly. I think you should always offer to gift them your book through Amazon. Some will be okay with a PDF file or will want to buy your book, but let them insist on it.


An important thing is to be patient.
Each reviewer probably has a long list of books they are already reading and may not respond to your email right away—or ever. I’m still waiting for a few replies. When you do get a response, some will be honest with you and say that they will get to your book a few months out. So, again, patience is key.

I’ve been trying to thank all my reviewers personally.
If you can, that should be on your list of things to do. This seems to differ from traditional publishing where there is a distance between author and reviewer. I’ve noticed that in the land of self-publishing that it’s a more of a warm community filled with authors trying their best to be gracious. One thing to do to when possible, if you are on Twitter, is to tweet and retweet your reviews and the reviewer’s blog. Lastly, if you are better organized than I am, you should probably keep a list of places you have already asked for reviews. You don’t want to solicit someone twice.

In the end if you plant a bunch of seeds, eventually you should have a list of reviews on your book’s page.  Helpful sites to find book reviewers:

Theresa Braun has always been intrigued by authors and writing, which led her to an almost obsessive study of literature.  Spontaneous poems, story ideas, and observational rants were always scrawled in her notebooks.  She started a few novels; but it wasn’t until her Greek wedding that her passion and focus produced her first finished novel, Groom and Doom: A Greek Love Story, based on a true story and self-published on Amazon in 2012.  Now she’s squirreling time away to pen her second novel set in Renaissance England, the first in a series.



Hyper Smash



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