Tips on How You Can Improve Your Amazon Rankings

30 Mar
Chicken Soup for the Soul

Chicken Soup for the Soul

Tips from famous authors

Why are reviews and rankings at Amazon so important for authors?  Rankings get you noticed. It means Amazon can reach people with your book who would never have heard of it otherwise.
That’s why authors should organize friends, acquaintances and family to order all on the same day, resulting in better ratings. Let me give you two examples:

Mike Litmans advice
Have you ever heard about this world bestseller “Chicken Soup for the Soul“?  Sure, you have! Mike Litman the co-author gives every author this valuable advice:

“Hitting #1 at Amazon as first-time self-published authors using no money, no PR, no public speaking and doing it all in 76 days seems like a powerful enough story to warrant a spot in the Self-Publishing Hall of Fame. We did it by leveraging the email lists of other people by first serving them and coming from a place of willingness to help them first. By doing so, when we asked 12 of them for their help, they gladly sent a notice to their email lists with an offer for the book on, all on the same day to help push us to the top. We made an irresistible offer of digital products as bonuses for anyone who purchased the book from by midnight that night. The digital products sent out by email didn’t cost us anything to give them, so it was a win-win offer and the people who sent the notice to their lists were viewed as heroes for making such a great offer to their lists!”

Guido Henkel Painting

Guido Henkel Painting

Another author, Guido Henkel, had lots of success via a contest he started through his website and blog, writing to friends and acquaintances:

“I want you to “Share” my books and tell the world about it. So, go to my books on Amazon and for every book in the list, click the “Like” button found on the product page. Next, a small pop-up box will appear and there, click on the “F” symbol to share your love with your Facebook friends so that they can see it, or click on the Twitter icon to share the love with your Tweets. A share takes no more than two mouse-clicks — not a whole lot, considering what you could win in the bargain. Count how many of the books you shared this way.

Next, go to the list of my books on Barnes & Noble’s website. On the product page for each book, click on the “F” to share the love with your Facebook friends and also click on the “+1” symbol to share it with your Google+ circles. Again, two mouse-clicks are all that required. Once again, count how many of the books you shared this way.

Then simply send me an email to and put “Shared: xxx” in the subject line. “xxx” would, naturally, stand for the number of your total shares.  As you can see, this is really easy and no purchase is necessary. You can share my books even if you’ve never even read one. In fact, I would love for you to share information about the books anyway, because even if they are not your bag, maybe some of your friends like Victorian era supernatural mysteries.  At the end of the give-away, on October 22, I will then randomly draw winners from the shares and get their great prices (my guess: maybe an iPad?) to them. So, with any luck you might find some of these goodies in your mailbox.”



Hyper Smash


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