Hold the Thieves!

25 Jan

Your website or blog content might be ruthlessly plagiarized by lazy web content writers who steal rather than create it.  For content theft, the first thing to do is to identify the offending party. This can be done for free through a manual search of extract of your content with Google Blog Search – By permitting searching exact phrases, post titles or author names, the advanced search feature on Google Blogs search enables finding other sites publishing one’s work.

There are also automated solutions available for a monthly fee:

CopyScape  –  A plagiarism detecting tool where you can enter your web address to find other sites that may be publishing your content. The free version can be used for manual check. The Premium versions enables checking specific content and the CopySentry tool will monitor the web regularly for newly published content.

Grammarly  – This tool combines checking your content for grammatical mistakes and detecting plagiarism, sending warnings when any content piece is plagiarized.

Read a lot more how you can fight theft of your intellectual property in this superb post:


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